Impact of Financial Stress on Drivers and On-Road Performance

Personal worries, especially financial concerns, can distract drivers and impact safety. Research shows that even middle-class earners face financial stress, affecting focus and performance. Beyond pay and benefits, companies need proactive strategies to support drivers' financial well-being.

This session will explore:

Driving Well: The Road to Better Health for Professional Drivers

Join us for a panel discussion led by Jeremy Reymer, exploring how the industry is working together to support driver wellness. In partnership with the Trucking Cares Foundation, Pilot Foundation, and CH Robinson Foundation, the Next Generation in Trucking (NGT) Foundation is developing TruckFit—a practical curriculum designed to help drivers maintain a healthier lifestyle on the road.

Bridging Connections: Effective Communication in a Diverse Trucking Environment

Effective communication is the linchpin of success in the trucking industry, particularly in a diverse business environment. By honing their communication skills through this session, participants will not only enhance operational efficiency and drive retention rates but also contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious workplace culture. Through a combination of interactive exercises, role-playing scenarios, and practical strategies, participants will be empowered to navigate the complexities of communication with confidence, empathy, and professionalism.