Cargo Theft: The Intricate Methods and What to Do When it Happens

Roundtable discussion from industry leaders in trucking, law enforcement and insurance. Our experts will cover various methods being used to steal freight and what trucking companies need to do to prevent them. Real world scenarios and tactics will be covered along with proven prevention and recovery tips.

Navigating the Road Ahead: Current Trends, Future Predictions and Security Implications in the Trucking Industry

The trucking industry is ever-evolving, with new technology, legislation, and processes – each presenting their own opportunities and challenges. In today’s age, it’s more important now than ever to be able to adapt to these changing trends. This collaborative discussion will analyze the current trends and future predictions of the trucking industry, while addressing the intersection and importance of security. Topics discussed include economic fluctuations, shifts towards sustainability, and the logistics of getting your assets from point A to point B.

Decoding Trends through Collaboration: Analytics, Information Sharing, and Combatting Cargo Theft and Supply Chain Fraud

In a digitized, interconnected global marketplace, it's no longer enough to act in isolation. Tackling the multi-faceted challenges of cargo theft and supply chain fraud demands a collaborative approach, fortified by analytics. This presentation delves into how trend analytics, combined with proactive supply chain collaboration and information sharing, can be a game-changer in mitigating risks.

Key Takeaways: